Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jesus- On the Cross

As a Protestant I didn't like the respect given to a Crucifix. My Jesus came off that Cross! 

But as a Catholic, I understand that ONLY Jesus can be "ON"that Cross. It can't be Buddha, or Mohammed. It can't be Confucius or Hare Krisna. It can't even be John the Baptist. It can only be Jesus, the only living Son of the Father. He alone can save us from our sins. He alone can forgive sin and bring life.

When I enter the Church, I kneel and make the sign of the cross. Jesus is in the house and we should be in awe of that. I want to honor the God who became man and came to earth to hang on the that Cross for me. 

Protestants can drape Jewish prayer shawls and purple cloth on empty crosses all they want but as for me and mine, we will gaze on 
JESUS- the focal point of His Story.