Called Out of Darkness is a beautifully written book of one woman's journey to a personal relationship with Jesus as her Lord and Savior. An intimate story that isn't overly syrupy and does not justify any of the personal choices author Anne Rice has made in life makes this book very readable to a vast audience that might not otherwise pick up a testimonial book of this type.
Her descriptions about the importance of family and moral values as well as church attendance forming character can be read between the lines. The truth and value of the "little things" that others do for and to you and how they make a lasting impact on character formation are subtle traits within the context of the story.
We are all pursued by the Hound of Heaven and the use of the poem by Francis Thompson fits into Anne's story perfectly. Her longing for the Eucharist has a depth of understanding that even protestants can relate to.
The scandals plaguing the Church did not keep her from choosing to pursue Jesus through the Sacraments that were familiar to her from her childhood. Her embracing of the modern Church service versus the Latin Mass she had grown up with are evident. She speaks with joy at not being ridiculed by those in her family who had never left the Church but instead loved her back to Jesus.
As a convert to the faith, I was overjoyed that she looked with awe at many of the same things I loved when I converted: The Nicene Creed, the Gloria, the prayers of consecration and the Agnus Dei. Her descriptions of these standards of the Church echo my own sentiments and show a woman who has come to terms with what she chose to walk away from and what she now chooses to embrace.
I have never read Anne's "vampire writings," and probably never will, but I see an amazing openness and frank love of truth and sense of justice in her clear and eloquent writings. I look forward to many more descriptive and faith conveying books to come from a woman whose obvious vocation is writing for the glory of God.
In Genesis, Joseph reveals himself to his brothers with the words, "Even though you meant harm to me, God meant it for good, to achieve his present end, the survival of many people." ( Gen. 50:20) I look forward to Ms. Rice's future work to draw on the past she came from to lead many to the Lord. He knows her name, as He knows each of ours and He has called her out of darkness.
By Anne Rice
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