Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Stuck in the Middle

Stuck In the Middle
by Alan Harris.
(Article begins below the video and song lyrics)

It's a funny world we live in
It's funny every day
Half the world prays like the preacher
The other half don't even pray
So no one understands you
If you pray in your own way

Now I'm stuck here in the middle
Everything is in a jam
Stuck right in the middle
Doors on both sides seem to slam
No one seems to want me
Only God will take me like I am

Well my brothers criticize me
Say I'm just too strange to believe
And the others just avoid me
They say my faith is so naive
I'm too sacred for the sinners
And the saints wish I would leave

Now I'm stuck here in the middle
Everything is in a jam
Stuck right in the middle
Doors on both sides seem to slam
No one seems to want me
Only God will take me like I am

Written by Mark Heard
© 1981 Bug and Bear Music (ASCAP)

The Protestants
I am a Charismatic Catholic Convert. Most Protestants haven't a clue why I would even give the Catholics the time of day. They have all their pat answers to the “errors” of Catholicism. They're rather squeamish about even setting foot in a Catholic church. Their opinion seems based on rumor, stereotyping and passed on gossip.

Some will listen to you, but they seem closed off and unwilling to learn more or change. They find it surprising that some Catholics are spirit filled and moving in the gifts at meetings. “But what about..,..?” They don't see how God could be in it when they still see points to condemn by.

The Catholics
Those in the Catholic Church like what they do. They see nothing wrong. They don't want to remove anything. They don't want to add anything. They have heard about these Charismatics, “but that's the weirdos. They do their own thing.”
The Catholics, for the most part, don't want to do evangelism or encourage Christian training. They don't want to have a Bible Study or a prayer group. “We pray and hear the Bible at Mass.” They might pray the Rosary. If you're really hearing a call to God they'll recommend you become a priest or nun.

Stuck in the Middle
Then here's Lori and I stuck in the middle. We are happy to be Catholic. We love it. “The smells, the bells and the yells,” says Deacon Alex C. Jones. It took a lot of listening and studying to get comfortable. We love the Sacraments and see Jesus in them.

We love the core of the Catholic faith. The part that came from the Apostolic Fathers. It seems that many of the aspects of the Church that folks have a problem with, came from taking something simple and honorable and letting it mutate into something unscriptural.

For example: (and I am not a theologian)
  1. The Assumption of Mary: Mary is the Mother of Jesus. OK. Mary carried Jesus in her womb and was filled with the Holy Spirit. Mary saw an angel who foretold Jesus' birth. Mary was in Jesus' physical presence more than any Human. Mary died and her spirit went to heaven. Then her empty body was taken to heaven, (Protestants will ask for chapter and verse here) but she didn't need it up there.
  2. Immaculate Conception: The church says Mary was born without Adam's sin on her. (Proof? The Protestants cry)
  3. Statues: We have a giant statue of Sam Houston outside Huntsville, TX. We don't worship it or pray to Sam Houston. He was a good man and patriot who lived and died and we honor him. By looking at the statue, people can see what he looked like and respect what he did for Texas. We don't worship Sam Houston. I suppose people who are related to him might speak out and wonder if God allows him to hear from heaven.

Same for the Blessed Mother. In my limited human brain, I don't understand how she, or any saint, hears all the people talking to them. Its hard enough to believe that God can do that and sort out all the prayers and thoughts of every soul on earth and in heaven. (remember Its a wonderful life, when all of Bedford Falls are praying for George Bailey at the same time?)
As a Catholic Convert, I honor Mary and ask her to pray for me or for whoever I'm praying for. I don't believe she hears my thoughts. I always audibly speak to her. I don't pray in the name of Mary. I really don't ask other saints to pray for me. If others do that its fine with me. I might ask people I knew when they were alive to pray for me, or one of my children in need (Like my Grandmother or Father).
I could be wrong. So much of God is beyond my comprehension.

So as a recent Catholic convert. I'm trying to make peace with both sides. Often I feel I don't belong to either.

I'm just stuck in the middle. Each time I get stuck I realize how little time I spend studying the wealth of books and media out there that could help me understand. We have to take the time to know our faith.