CALLING ALL CATHOLICS! Share your faith on the streets of London! Join others who want to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Mission/Outreach projects will include: Assisting with a local church outreach program. You will be assigned to Community Festivals in various Parishes e.g. entertaining kids with face painting and balloon sculpting, painting nails, washing people's feet, serving food and drinks to the public and showing the Love of Christ to all you meet.Joshua Camp to House Olympic Missionaries
With our Spring Break SST Mission Trip complete, we now turn a greater focus on the next adventure, the Olympics!
What? We have been asked to lead a team, or teams to minister together at the 2012 London Olympics from August 1-13 this summer. The amazing project is finally coming into focus as we get closer to needing actual bodies to go with us.
When? August 1-13, 2012 It begins on the 1st, so we would obviously need to be traveling by July 31.
What is it? The Joshua Camp - a Catholic oriented ecumenical gathering working together to minister alongside Protestants around the Olympic sites.
Where? Our Kerygma Teams will be hosted at the Joshua Camp:
Joshua Camp Accommodations
Our housing will be will be school classroom floors!
St. Bonaventure's Catholic School , Boleyn Road, Forest Gate, London E7 9QD
(Within walking Distance to the Olympic Village!) You will have access to a shared bathroom and will need to provide your own bedding and towels. The cost includes breakfast and a packed lunch during the 13 days.
Anyone 18 and over who wants to learn more about Jesus and how to share Him with others! (Must be 18 before August 2012)
· Young adults will grow in their Christian faith as they work and
serve together
· Those not so young to mentor and set an example to younger team members!
How Much?
Figure $2000 US per person, as of 3-25-12
$700 meals, housing, fees, ground transportation$1300 air fare (Based on Dallas to London)
What will people do at the Joshua Camp?*
3 day International Catholic Festival (includes outreach training)
Mission/Outreach projects will include:
- Assisting with a local church outreach program you will be assigned to
- Community Festivals in various Parishes e.g. Entertaining kids with face painting and balloon sculpting, painting nails, washing people's
feet! Or serving food and drinks to the public
- Sharing in leading sports clinics/missions and holiday clubs
- Doing Street Evangelisation around
- Christian Street Entertainment
- NIGHT FEVER! (Adoration and Music in the Churches around London)
- BIG SCREEN Festivals (where the Games are being watched!)
- Giving out free bottles of water to thirsty tourists with the
Salvation Army all around London.
- Being involved with a STOP THE TRAFFIK! Campaign against Human
- Performing Creative Arts - solo or as part of band, dance, or
drama group, or doing street art at great venues around London.
- Prayer and Intercession for London and the Outreaches (Ensuring
*The role each volunteer plays will depend on their skills and experience.
All interested participants need to contact us. We need to meet you and spend time together to learn each other’s giftings, personalities, callings and to become a team. Please contact us at (903) 343-3567 . If you are in the East Texas area, we want to see you in person. We hope to have a training weekend very soon to pass out applications.
Please call today. If we’re going to be a team, then start talking to us!
If you are interested in going with us to the Olympics, please call 903-343-3567 (you can email too at